

17 january, 2018

Moldova remains partially free country of the world, scoring 61 points of 100 possible in terms of the civil freedom and political rights in the research "Freedom in the World - 2018", compiled by the American authority NGO "Freedom House".

In comparison to the last year, the rate fell by one point, which is connected with the high level of corruption, lack of independent justice system and the growing mistrust of citizens in political elites after the 2014 banking crisis.

"However, among all the post-Soviet countries, which are not free countries, only Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia are putting considerable efforts for democratizing the political regime and set the European integration as the priority goal in future", the research says.

According to its authors, the main obstacle for developing these countries is still Russia, which is conducting the policy of supporting anti-democratic forces at its borders and in the near abroad.

The Freedom House rating covers 195 world countries, 45% of which are included in free countries, 30% - partially free, 25% - unfree.

Norway, Finland and Sweden are leaders in terms of the freedom provided to citizens. The worst results are in Syria, South Sudan, Eritrea and North Korea. The neighboring Romania is among the free countries (84 points), Ukraine - partially-free (62), Russia - not free (20 points).

In conclusion, experts said that the current situation may be called crisis for democratic countries, this is connected with the growing role of autocratic regimes and the US departure from the role of the world defender of civil rights and freedoms.

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