Transnistria and Gagauzia


17 may, 2024

The court of the Centru sector of Chisinau has rejected the suit of the Gagauz Bascan Evghenia Gutul against President Maia Sandu. According to INFOTAG r, in the lawsuit „for the protection of honor and dignity” she demanded a public apology and material compensation.

Gutul said back in March that she would go to court with a lawsuit for „protection of honor and dignity.”

„Until now, I ignored these lies and slander said by Sandu, but today she overstepped all boundaries. I demand from her an answer before the law. Our lawyers will immediately initiate a lawsuit for protection of honor and dignity against citizen Maia Sandu for the lies and slander spread at the press conference on March 18, 2024,” Gutul said.

At a press conference on March 18, Maia Sandu said that she did not intend to sign the Decree on Gutul's inclusion in the government. Throughout the year, the president has repeatedly said that.

„A citizen who works for a criminal group and not for the citizens of Gagauzia, who makes statements against his country, has nothing to look for in the Moldovan government,” Sandu said.

Gutul filed a lawsuit with the court only on May 8. The court rejected the suit on May 16. Judge Natalia Russu explained that according to the Constitution, the president of Moldova enjoys immunity and cannot be held legally responsible for the opinions expressed during his term of office.

Gutsul can appeal the court's decision in the Chisinau Court of Appeal. At the same time, the bascan cannot re-apply to the court on this matter.

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